Wednesday, November 09, 2005

One more reason to enrage French Muslims

.. . and their free speech opponents alike.

November 2nd, the day Theo v Gogh was slaughtered in broad Amsterdam daylight was this year the day a court fined a publisher of Israel Shamir 50.000 Euro.

reading Pardes by Israel Shamir right now, it's more enjoyable than the last time I went for his stuff;he had totally lost his cool over some atrocity but I am sceptical about his attempts to protect christianity from the curse of supremacy they rebelled against but were certainly infected with nonetheless; I say scrap them all. IS says Lenni Brenner routinely denigrates Islam, that's new to me; hadn't noticed. - 32k -- -- A french publisher has been fined for publishing him israel-shamir-a-paris_7956.html - 26k --- another right wing site in france: - 45k - Israël Shamir à Paris ... donnera une conférence et signera ses livres "L'Autre Visage d'Israël" et "PARDES une Etude de la Kabbale" (éditions al Qalam) Il échappe de justesse à une arrestation à l'aéroport de Tel Aviv sur requête de la LICRA --- Rappel : la même LICRA réclame 50 000 euros aux éditions Al Qalam (220 rue St Jacques, 75005) pour avoir osé publier le recueil "L'autre visage d'Israël" d'Israel Adam Shamir sur la place de Paris, et le jugement sera rendu à la 14ème chambre du TGI de Nanterre le 2 novembre prochain.

A pro-jewish french org asked Israel to arrest Israel and stop him from coming to france or be brought in chains or something.

more search results for pardes "israel shamir" later

very big http://
post (52 links) I did earlier today includes some on france and the one before that is short but wholly concerning the reactionary eco-social catastrophe in those diabolic dole spoiled burbs 2.5 Mb .ogg news in french
The Indynewswire Show airs every Monday from 1-3pm on Free Radio Santa Cruz, 101.1 FM. On this edition we speak with a volunter from Radio Algiers in New Orleans. The unlicensed station was recently visited by the FCC. Also, we talk with folks at a counter-recruitment protest at Foothill College, discuss the Paris/France uprising, provide coverage of a rally at KFC, and hear about the California special election, Plus some great music from Mule Train (Santa Cruz musicians), Ryan Harvey, Defiance, Ohio, K-Otix, Mos Def, King Missile, The Coup, and more. (2 hours and 10 minutes)
[ Listen or Download (mpeg)|

47 minutes into it you hear a short short bulletin concerning Paris, Ryan Harvey can be heard at the beginning and again (slow song this time) at 1.16 --- I strongly object to the song about protest for the hell of it and the 'fuck shit up' yell which is comparable to the allah akhbar as hear as cars are set alite. Much of the left cannot be expected to be green anymore than most of the right I guess.
strange little animation of the (((I)))

Trouble with my inspiration is that the moment they arrive they seem so obvious matterafact plain to see and never forget that I fail to jot them down and a few days later discover they've up and gone leaving a whif of treasure that took of leaving no forwarding adress. The other day I had the perfect subsumption and solution for the class/race/gender conundrum, resolving in a smoothly graduating spectrum with transitions easiest to negotiate .. . .but I can't think of it anymore. Another aspect of these losses is my reluctance to spoil the moment; when they do show up I am pleased like when meeting a longtime friend thought lost . .. only to lose them again .. .and again. Come to think of it I can't clearly recall and command the words I have used to play with this false division before except that they try to show it is one but caution, if you kill one (of its aspects) thinking you thereby kill them all the other two will revive it, so grapple with them at once like you have to when tackling monotheisms.

ps (next day): At first sight Israel Shamir's bias is remarkable. He asserts there

is no anti-semitism amongst Muslims. Let's examine wether the

west's constant harpicarping on about Muslim 'anti-semitism' could

be 'opgeklopt' and fausse, (certain) jews may use this as a way to

try distance themselves from siblings for examply. Zionists try

disqualify and disown genetic ties they more and more indisputably

(as days of DNA knowledge dawn grind and wears on) nevertheless

have in common (with the neighbours and in fact the whole region

and thus, one would think, expect and hope, offer compelling enough

reason and incentive if not filial affinity in itself to learn to

share a little more equitably. Shamir's french

publisher jailed 3 months
Shamir article archive

/024244.html Contrary to the calls of many liberals, increased
emphasis on multiculturalism and respect for
other cultures in France is not the answer: this
angry young population is highly deculturalized
and individualized. There is no reference to
Palestine or Iraq in these riots. Although these
suburbs have been a recruiting field for
jihadists, the fundamentalists are conspicuously
absent from the violence. Muslim extremists don't
share the youth agenda (from drug dealing to
nightclub partying), and the youngsters reject
any kind of leadership.

I guess it will be about how the racism card plays in Europe. They

do what they did in the U.S., maybe: liquidate the good blue-collar
jobs, build prisons, turn old high paying union work into prison

work, and stir twice.

Joanna Shamir on Simone Weil

(2003) page is short and

the diligent vigilent Chip Berlet is on patrol here. As Israel's fame rose and

his anger showed more and more people started to discredit his

claim to (understanding) jewishness, the wave crested and broke in

2001 and this is a quick guide. pretty elaborate page

about 'jews' (whoever them be; no other 'people' has managed to get

so close to becoming as slippery as money; don't expect them

(either) to be better than the best or worse than the worst forms

of the other)

a sample:
You're #1!

Found this on Stormfront. The author is User:Amalekite using his

Stormfront pseudonym of "Frank Sinatra". He seems to think highly

of you Homey 23:09, 19 August 2005 (UTC) :

Re: Zionist Cabal taking over Wikipedia Wikipedia Intelligence

Report #001

The following is an incomplete list of those suspected to be

members of, or to be the "useful idiots" of, the so-called "Elders

of Wikipedia" (the Zionist cabal which has Wikipedia in its grip).

Those at the top of the list are definite members and are the most

ruthless and vicious of the bunch; those at the bottom I'm less

sure about. Monitor the activities of the first 5 on the list

(watch their user contribution pages and their user talk pages) and

you'll have a good idea of what the entire gang is up to.

right below that is a removed 'badge' (one of them half a moebius

lapel thingies) captioned 'genital integrity' (pink inside and blue

outside, real pretty but 'incompatible with Wikipedia policy and

licensing') A post by Peter Lavelle who says he can't mention the source 'for IP reasons' (?????)
The inflammatory politicking of Rodina is a glaring
and self-serving exercise that undermines Russia's
stability. Originally a Kremlin creation, this party
and its leaders should be severely disciplined. If the
Kremlin can't or won't do either, it will be doing
nothing less than setting its own house on fire - no
different than the burning cars in the suburbs of Paris.

Quoting from Shamir's 'Pardes': "Die Deutschen gingen in ihrer Zurueckweisung der Juden zu weit und sie wiesen auch das apostolische Christentum zurueck."

So, I don't know what his lawyers told the french court but I can't find incitations to violence in his work.

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